Monday, April 25, 2011


Easter yesterday was a very different Easter for me. Usually on Easter I would cook lamb and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, but this year that isn't what I celebrated at all. I honestly didn't even reflect on it or the "Easter Bunny" aspect of it at all.

I did have to work though and although I wished everyone a Happy Easter, it was more about celebrating the day and celebrating life.

However I recall thinking to myself earlier in the day that today really isn't any different for me than any other day because I take joy and celebrate every day. Every day is a gift and a day to celebrate life.

So I began to ponder what are we supposed to celebrate on Easter? Well Christian or pagan it really boils down to life, celebrating life. Christ's resurrection is about raising from the dead giving us new life. Most pagan celebrations I think are about the same, celebrating spring, new life, fertility which is to bring new life.

Many things have changed in my life and this just showed me another aspect of the change within me. I celebrate life every day, not just once a year. I'm happy and grateful and thank God, Universal Mind for this wonderful life each and every day. Truthfully I give thanks multiple times a day. Life is worth living and worth celebrating. So I guess every day is Easter.