Sunday, August 1, 2010

Meditation - Again

I'm on a journey of self discovery. Some times I do not realize I'm on this journey and other times it's quite apparent. I like to visit Enchanted Games on to read the positive affirmations. I have noticed that recently when I actually do sit and focus before I click on a card, I'm receiving virtually the same ones, often. The one that stands out the most I'm receiving is “I take time to meditate daily”

I brought up mediating several times and it is seriously becoming a wonderful part of my life. I'm actually enjoying the feeling of quieting my thoughts. I have also discovered that meditating is different each time I do so. Some times it's just a calming experience, while other times it's a calming euphoric experience.

Some simple steps I am using to meditate. First I make sure there is no distractions around me. TV off and even music. I sit or lay on my bed. I relax my body take a few deep breaths. Then I simply focus on clearing my mind. Now it sounds funny, but that is exactly what I do, concentrate on clearing my mind. I say things in my mind, “Clearing my thoughts.” Which I repeat a few times until I feel my concentration is literally on these words and nothing else. Then I take another step, “I'm one with the Universe.” or “I'm one with the Holy Spirit.” Which I repeat over and over, but it's a very relaxed voice I use in my head and I visualize nothing but a blank, white slate and there is a soft drifting or swaying back and forth in my mind of floating in this cosmic stream of unity.

Once I am this relaxed state I do positive affirmations, or I begin to use gratitude statements, thanking the Universe for my life. Sometimes I just allow my mind to drift and I watch and see where my thoughts lead me.

One thing for sure, this is a positive step forward in my journey of self discovery.

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