Friday, April 30, 2010

Friends & Hugs

I believe we attract people to us and us to them. There are several people I work with that I feel such a kindred spirit with. I feel very blessed to see them and speak with them. I get excited just seeing them walk in the door.

Of course I'm always wanting to share something with them and they are always willing to listen. It's also great when they are excited to see me and actually want to listen to the little story I have or some insight that I've read or has popped into my head.

When I told one of my friends about this blog she was all about reading it and encouraged me to share it!

I think these are people who help us grow and in turn I think we are helping them grow in some way. The thought of this alone is absolutely exciting to me. I'm easily excitable and my friends can testify to this.

I have an abundance of energy and those around me know it. I also smile, laugh and giggle a lot too. One woman from work calls me giggle box when she see's me and she always has a hug for me and I for her.

I have a hug for anyone who needs it.

A few months back my daughter and I went to breakfast with a friend, the one who encourages me in this blog. She's a friend who is of a kindred soul to me. I can be a bit loud with my excitement and it's true that I do sometimes attract attention. A long time ago I read this is a Gemini trait... heh.

Anyway we were having breakfast laughing and having a great time when I heard my name. I turned and a few tables away I saw this woman I used to work with. I quickly went over and hugged her. She was having breakfast with her husband. There was a couple sitting at the table next to them and as I got ready to head back to my table he laughed and said to me. "Could I get one of those hugs?" He had this big genuine smile and I was just going to laugh him off but something struck me and I said "Sure!" and I leaned over and gave him a big hug and he returned it. Both him and his wife were smiling so big. I told them both to have a great day and went back to my table.

There was nothing improper in the way he acted or by me. Nothing sexual or anything that would come close. No idea his name or anything. they could have been traveling through. I do live in a touristy town. It was a friendly hug and I have to wonder if he was there because he honestly needed a hug and maybe I was there because I was receptive enough to give it.

I believe in the law of attraction. So everyday i look around at what's going on in my life and I ask myself. Why am I attracting this? If it's negative and if it's positive I say. Thank you.


Sometimes we wonder if what we tell are kids are getting through to them. The past two weeks have shown me, yes my daughter really does listen to me. She's fourteen and the best kid in the world. I have two older children, but they are no longer kids, they are adults, so I can call the baby the best kid. :)

Anyway the last two weeks, she has been telling me to stay positive and mentions the law of attraction and says things I say like, "Ok lets stop and turn this energy around into something positive." or "I'm not giving that any of my energy, lets give it to this instead."

I have caught myself thinking... Heh, she's really listening to me.

Of course I also smile because sometimes she's smiling as if to say.. How do you like it when I tell you that! hehe

The point is... she's listening and when she's on point repeating what I say to her or she hears me say it and repeats it then obviously on some level my daughter is getting it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Being Positive

I was thinking the other day... when did it become terrible to be positive? I think about all the times growing up that being happy or positive had such a negative tone to it. It still carries the same today. I've seen people make fun of other people if they smile or are happy.

How often have you heard people say, "She's just too happy if you ask me." or "What kind of drugs does she take?" Or some other negative comment and joke about it. Or simple not like another person because they are so happy. Because they speak or try to find a silver lining in everything. How about being called a Pollyanna? Now why is Pollyanna such a bad thing?

Well I was exploring The Secret Website a few years back and I discovered The Optimist Creed there. It was so incredible and it simply blew me away. So each day I began reading this creed and saying it. I even printed copies of it and I had given it out to many people encouraging them to read it and visit the website.

I read this I would say pretty faithfully for about six months to a year. Then my job took a bit of a turn and I was working more hours than I though possible. Soon I stopped reading. When I left this job I had a brief opportunity to be without a job. I still didn't read it, but having this brief time off I was able to reconnect with myself and it became a turning point in my life and a reminder to me what was it that I really want.

Within 30 days a new leash on life began... I mention that later in another blog. A few weeks ago I looked through my files and found the creed again and wanted to share it with someone I work with who I feel is a very special person. I made a copy for him and went to work and gave it to him. Now two great things happened about this. One... when I read this creed again I realized this is how I live my life. I talk health, happiness, prosperity to everyone I meet. As I read down the creed I realized I'm living this. Wow! So powerful!

Now the guy at work when I gave him a copy he was amazed and he told me he'd just been asked by a co-worker at his other job if he'd made a new year's resolution and he did and it was to start being a bit more positive and I believe the very next day I'm handing him this Creed. Wow! How cool is that!

The Universe is amazing and I'm so grateful and thankful to be a part of it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We are in control.

I watched the movie What the Bleep Do We Know several years ago and it was a validation of what I had been reading in other things. It didn't mention the Law of Attraction per-say but it was leading me in this direction. Watching this movie however opened up what I had been dealing with at the time and that simply realizing that we are in control of our lives.

I've lived the first 30+ years feeling not in control. Everywhere I looked I was being told that destiny, Fate or God is in control and to be honest I was unhappy about it. Of course I didn't know I was unhappy about it, because I was just going through life feeling powerless to change it.

We are told that we are powerless and to let God handle this and let God handle that. Then if it doesn't go as we asked or planned then it's either our fault because we didn't do something right or it's because it's not God's will. But God has been so removed that he is separate from us.

I have to tell you I know what God's will is now for me and that's simply My Will. God gives us Free Will. We are in control. This was a life changing event for me. That has continued to grow over the years.

The next life changing event was watching The Secret another major stepping stone in changing my life for the better. I have bought the DVD of both these movies and I've bought several books on the Law of Attraction.

But before I stray down the rabbit hole... let me get back to being in control. First off this is so frightening or it was at least for me when I realized I was in control all along. Wow what a wake up call to realize everything that has gone bad is basically my doing. But lets not lay this guilt on because everything good is my doing too. Hmmm. Now came the big question. What do I do now?

Well I don't know about anyone else, but I cried. Because the first thing I did was forgive myself for my ignorance in not knowing and I knew from that moment on I would now be in control. I also knew I was learning and this whole Universe was open and new and I could be anything I wanted. The very best part about this is I knew I was in control. Once you realize you're in control, you'll never go back, because the knowledge is there.

I began a true journey of within, one I am still on. One I've chosen to share with those who would like to listen. I'm in control of my mind, my body and my soul. I think however I was only half connected. It's like the knowledge was always there I just couldn't connect to it and now I'm bridging these gaps and what is happening is this great whole new me.

I am who I want to be. I am who I will to be.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

DailyGood: 9-Year-Old Entrepreneurs!

DailyGood: 9-Year-Old Entrepreneurs!

I guess creativity is what I need to hear today. Three in a row. Two stories and a passage from a book I'm reading.

Let the creativity flow!

iJourney: An Inner Journey

iJourney: An Inner Journey

This was just what I needed to read!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sleeping and Drepression

I think it's safe to say most people know that a sign of depression is wanting to sleep a lot. I was depressed at one time and I can say, Yes, I did like to sleep a lot. I'm sure there are a lot of rational reasons about it biologically - medically and so forth. Some call it escapism.


I've been reading a lot about how when we sleep we are actually closer to our joy/happiness/peace. Abraham-Hicks in several of their books they mention when we sleep we close this gap moving closer to our joy and to God basically.

So this has me thinking one day. People who are depressed... are they trying to escape from this life? Or are they trying to put themselves back together, closer to God and joy. Biologically speaking our bodies know when we are out of harmony and it produces whatever is needed to put us back into homeostasis.

Who is to say that being sad and depressed doesn't make our bodies respond chemically to produce this sleep so we might close the gap bringing us closer to God and joy.

Now please do not get me wrong I'm not advocating let everyone who is depressed sleep. However what I am saying is, our bodies are speaking to us all the time we just need to listen. If you suddenly find yourself wanting to sleep all the time and it's not due to lack of sleep perhaps you are needing to get back in touch with your soul and reach out to God for your joy.

Joy comes from within each of us and if you are turning inward - to sleep - perhaps it's time to wake up and make the conscience effort to find this joy that's within you.

Sometimes sleeping too much is actually a wake up call.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Moving Forward continued

The subject did come up quite quickly when I went to work and amazingly enough I spoke passionately about it and yet I was fine with any and every outcome. So I was able to move forward.

I'd meditated and given it to God and what I was given in return was quite simple. I realized I shouldn't give it any negative energy. The more energy and time I give it the more it will produce undesired results. So I said my peace a bit passionately and then I released it.

The great part about it is I know inside I'm fine with it and I have moved on.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Moving Forward

I often tell other people and myself that it is important to move forward. Today I am at a place where I thought I had moved forward on a certain subject and found I haven't. So just for the record... this sucks.

I woke up this morning dreaming about the subject and this made me realize its not dealt with and released. So obviously I told myself to just let it go but in fact I buried it instead. So this morning I've been contemplating on how to actually go about letting it go. I think I will do a visualization with mediation. Where I actually visualize letting it go into the hands of God while I'm meditating.

Tonight the subject will arrive and I will know if this has worked when I am confronted with it on how I react and how it makes me feel inside.

My first blog

Well here it is. I have so many thoughts and I figure this is a great way to get them across.

I think its amazing how the Universe works. How we attract to us what we need to know. I also love how we can connect things. I had been listening to and reading a couple of books by Abraham-Hicks. Something impressed me was that sometimes we just need to take a step back to get relief.
We may be angry and we cannot jump from anger to joy, we just need to take a small step toward joy, which could even be revenge (thoughts) that give us relief. The point is that we get relief from the anger. Of course we don't stay in the revenge thoughts we move again towards joy and again we will get relief from the revenge. This can take several steps or many steps all dependent on us. The point is receiving relief and moving towards joy.

I next read Getting into the Gap by Dr. Wayne Dyer. He explains in his book about the sound of God is "Ahhh". This is the sound we use in meditation. I found this so fascinating.

A day or so later I'm at work and it suddenly strikes me. What sound do we make when we find relief? Yep that's right - Ahhh, which according to Dr. Wayne Dyer is the sound of God.

So now I truly to believe that is the sound of God is Ahhh and we should seek this sound in our quiet meditations or in those times of need of relief. Allow this sound to help move you closer to God.