Thursday, April 22, 2010

Being Positive

I was thinking the other day... when did it become terrible to be positive? I think about all the times growing up that being happy or positive had such a negative tone to it. It still carries the same today. I've seen people make fun of other people if they smile or are happy.

How often have you heard people say, "She's just too happy if you ask me." or "What kind of drugs does she take?" Or some other negative comment and joke about it. Or simple not like another person because they are so happy. Because they speak or try to find a silver lining in everything. How about being called a Pollyanna? Now why is Pollyanna such a bad thing?

Well I was exploring The Secret Website a few years back and I discovered The Optimist Creed there. It was so incredible and it simply blew me away. So each day I began reading this creed and saying it. I even printed copies of it and I had given it out to many people encouraging them to read it and visit the website.

I read this I would say pretty faithfully for about six months to a year. Then my job took a bit of a turn and I was working more hours than I though possible. Soon I stopped reading. When I left this job I had a brief opportunity to be without a job. I still didn't read it, but having this brief time off I was able to reconnect with myself and it became a turning point in my life and a reminder to me what was it that I really want.

Within 30 days a new leash on life began... I mention that later in another blog. A few weeks ago I looked through my files and found the creed again and wanted to share it with someone I work with who I feel is a very special person. I made a copy for him and went to work and gave it to him. Now two great things happened about this. One... when I read this creed again I realized this is how I live my life. I talk health, happiness, prosperity to everyone I meet. As I read down the creed I realized I'm living this. Wow! So powerful!

Now the guy at work when I gave him a copy he was amazed and he told me he'd just been asked by a co-worker at his other job if he'd made a new year's resolution and he did and it was to start being a bit more positive and I believe the very next day I'm handing him this Creed. Wow! How cool is that!

The Universe is amazing and I'm so grateful and thankful to be a part of it.

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